La compagnie nationale du Maroc prévoit d'augmenter la fréquence des vols entre São Paulo et Casablanca. Les vols directs entre les deux villes ont repris il y a deux mois, opérant trois fois par semaine. Royal Air Maroc vise à augmenter la fréquence à cinq ou six vols hebdomadaires d'ici la fin 2025 ou début 2026, selon Othman Baba, Directeur Général de Royal Air Maroc au Brésil. Cité par l'agence de presse
Morocco’s national carrier is planning to increase flight frequency between São Paulo and Casablanca. Direct flights between the two cities resumed two months ago, operating three times a week. Royal Air Maroc aims to increase the frequency to five or six weekly flights by the end of this year or as early as the beginning of 2026, according to Othman Baba, Royal Air Maroc’s Director-General in Brazil. Quoted by the Brazil-Arab news agency ANBA, Baba announced RAM’s
Les Lions de l'Atlas joueront deux matchs amicaux en juin en préparation des compétitions continentales et internationales, a annoncé la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (FRMF) le mercredi 19 février. Les deux matchs amicaux de joueront contre les équipes tunisienne et béninoise, a révélé la FRMF. Le premier match contre la Tunisie est prévu le 7 juin, suivi de celui contre le Bénin le 10
La Guardia Civil a découvert, mercredi, un tunnel clandestin reliant un entrepôt industriel de la zone industrielle de Tarajal à Ceuta—fermé depuis des années—jusqu'au Maroc. Selon El Mundo, le passage souterrain était utilisé pour faire passer du haschisch. Les trafiquants ont réutilisé d'anciennes canalisations qui transportaient autrefois l'eau des sources près de l'ancienne brasserie de Ceuta pour faciliter le
While Mandela came to Morocco to get the help he needed to defeat the Apartheid regime, Che Guevara was invited by Prime Minister Abdallah Ibrahim. During the same period, Fidel Castro had breakfast with King Hassan II in Rabat.
Ordered by the Marrakech prosecutor's office after the birth of a child to a minor with a mental disability, a DNA test established the link between the newborn and one of the three accused men, who are being prosecuted for repeated rape of the 13-year-old girl. The NGO is requesting that this incriminating scientific evidence lead to an exemplary decision.
The Atlas Lions will be playing two friendly matches in June in preparation for continental and international competitions, the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) announced on Wednesday, February 19. The two friendly games are against the Tunisian and Beninese teams, FRMF revealed. The first match against Tunisia will be played on June 7, followed by a second against Benin on June 10. FRMF has not disclosed the location of the two upcoming friendly matches yet. It is worth noting that
The Guardia Civil discovered, Wednesday, a clandestine tunnel linking an industrial warehouse in Ceuta’s Tarajal industrial estate—shut down for years—to Morocco. According to El Mundo, the underground passage was used to smuggle hashish. The traffickers repurposed old pipelines that once carried water from springs near the former Ceuta brewery to facilitate the drug transfer. Sources close to the investigation revealed that the tunnel was excavated discreetly using
The BLS Rabat center for outsourcing Schengen residence permit applications will begin accepting renewal applications without a prior appointment starting February 24, 2025. However, this option is subject to specific conditions and a weekly quota. It applies to individuals who have been granted a one-year visa within the last four years. Applicants can visit BLS Rabat from Monday to Thursday, between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM, with a copy of their most recent visa, along with the usual renewal
Un Marocain de 25 ans est mort en Turquie après avoir été défenestré par trois de ses cousins depuis un appartement qu'ils avaient loué à Istanbul. Le drame a eu lieu le samedi 15 février, à Fatih, un district d'Istanbul. Le ressortissant marocain, identifié comme Ilyas Belaiz, a été poussé par trois de ses cousins, alors qu'ils étaient sous l'influence de drogues. Les médias turcs