The Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) signed a memorandum of understanding to promote education and children's rights in Morocco, says a joint statement by the Foundation and UNICEF, received Friday by MAP. The Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, represented by the members of its board of directors, Mohamed El Azami and Azeddine Benmoussa, and UNICEF, represented by the Fund's representative in Morocco, Regina Dominicis, have signed this
Morocco's net international reserves amounted to 227.6 billion dirhams until June 29, 2018, recording a 10.7% year-on-year increase, Morocco's central bank (Bank Al-Maghrib) said. During the week of June 28-July 4, Bank Al-Maghrib injected 62 billion dirhams. As for the interbank rate, it remained at 2.29%, while the average trading volume increased from 4.4 billion Dirhams the week before to 5.8 billion Dirhams, the source added. During the same period, the Dirham appreciated by 0.20%
L'offre d'animation de la station touristique d'Agadir vient d'être consolidée avec l'ouverture d'un delphinarium. Etalée sur une superficie de 1500m2 au quartier Anza, cette structure baptisée «Agadir dolphin world» a été réalisée grâce à des investissements russes de l'ordre de 8 millions de dirhams. Elle offre des spectacles mettant en vedette quatre dauphins et un phoque sous la direction d'une équipe
Par principe de précaution, la direction du médicament et de la pharmacie du ministère de la Santé a ordonné le retrait de tous les lots de certains médicaments à base de valsartan fournis par le fabriquant Zhejing Huahai Pharmaceutical Co-Chine. Les médicaments concernés sont «VALSARTAN WIN 80 mg» et 160mg, «CO-VALSARTAN WIN 80mg /12.5 mg» et 160mg /25 mg et «ATENSIL 40mg, 80mg» et 160mg,
Le niveau des risques macroéconomiques demeure globalement modéré dans un contexte de raffermissement de l'activité économique mondiale, selon Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM). Au plan des conditions extérieures, le déficit du compte courant s’est allégé en 2017 à la faveur, notamment, de l’atténuation du déficit commercial ainsi que du renforcement des recettes de voyage et des transferts des marocains
Germany’s coalition parties have reached an agreement on migration, coalition sources told Reuters on Thursday. The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the International Democrat Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU), have agreed to speed procedures when «returning migrants who have already sought asylum in other European Union countries», speeding the radds the same source. This measure will be adopted only if Germany has bilateral agreements with
Three Moroccan nationals were arrested on Thursday, 5th of July, by Bulgarian police for carrying fake documents, says Bulgaria’s Interior Ministry quoted by Focus news agency. The three individuals were detained at the Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint, bordering Turkey. They have given the authorities Italian ID cards and Italian resident permits which were «forged and sought through the Schengen system», said the same source. An investigation carried by the police revealed that
Moroccan World Cup football has reached a settlement with the victim killed in a car accident he was involved in last weekend in Marrakech, says Al Akhbar quoted by Le 360. Harit «offered the family a fairly significant amount of money», says the same source. «Negotiations were not easy and Harit’s lawyer managed to bring the two parties together». The same source quotes sports director Christian Heidel who reports that Harit had to «answer two or three
After participating to the 2018 World Cup, French coach who currently manages the Morocco national football team has been offered to run the Egyptian squad. Member of the Egyptian football federation Hazem met Hervé Renard and offered him a higher salary than the one he receives from the Royal Moroccan football federation, reports Egyptian media on Thursday. The French former footballer has also offers from the Algeria national team. However, on Monday, Renard denied the fact that
Le Maroc et le Royaume-Uni ont signé, jeudi à Londres, un accord visant à fixer les conditions régissant la création, l’ouverture et la gestion des écoles britanniques au Maroc. Signé par le ministre des Affaires étrangères et de la coopération internationale, Nasser Bourita et son homologue britannique, le Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires étrangères et au Commonwealth, Boris Johnson, en marge de la