The European Commission (EC) sidestepped a written question from Spanish MEP Carmen Crespo of the People's Group regarding the opening of negotiations with Morocco for a new fisheries agreement. On the other hand, the EC reaffirmed its commitment to «its strategic partnership» with the Kingdom, stressing that «the EU and Morocco have established a profound friendship and a solid and multi-faceted cooperation, which the EU intends to take to the next level in the coming weeks
It took France and Spain years to agree on how they wanted to share Morocco. Negotiations were concluded on the 27th of November 1912 by signing the Treaty of Madrid. This agreement was later interrupted by new political actors who wanted to get a slice of the cake.
Borgerhout, un quartier animé d'Anvers, rendra hommage à une femme qui a consacré sa vie à l'intégration de la communauté marocaine en Belgique. Une place dans le célèbre quartier portera bientôt le nom de Viera Sagers, ou Milouda, comme les migrants marocains aiment l'appeler. Cette reconnaissance a déjà été annoncée par le conseil municipal d'Anvers suite à une proposition du bourgmestre
Après de longues années d'hésitation, le Maroc se prépare à autoriser les cryptomonnaies, selon le gouverneur de la Banque centrale. Ce mardi, Abdellatif Jouahri a annoncé qu'un projet de loi sur les cryptomonnaies est en préparation, a rapporté Reuters. Bank Al Maghrib «a préparé un projet de loi réglementant les actifs cryptographiques, qui est actuellement en cours d'adoption», a déclaré
Gilles Devers, the Polisario's lawyer at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), has died. The Front expressed its sorrow over the loss in a statement on Tuesday. Devers had been a member, since 2012, of the team that defended Polisario complaints lodged with the CJEU against agricultural and fisheries agreements concluded between Morocco and the European Union. After Chems-Eddine Hafiz, a French-Algerian, left in 2014 to prepare for his role as head of the Paris Mosque,
Morocco is in the process of permitting the use of cryptocurrencies, according to the Central Bank governor. On Tuesday, Abdellatif Jouahri said that a draft law on cryptocurrencies is undergoing the process of adoption in the kingdom, Reuters reported. Bank Al Maghrib «has prepared a draft law regulating crypto assets, which is currently in the adoption process», Jouahri said during an international conference held Tuesday in Rabat. Jouahri announced that the monetary authority
The map of Morocco on footballers' jerseys remains a focal point of ongoing controversy in Algeria. Algerian player Yousri Bouzok refused to participate in the match between Raja Club Athletic and FAR Rabat due to the jersey bearing the full map of the Kingdom. He feared potential sanctions from Algerian officials upon his return.
Le roi Mohammed VI, le prince héritier Moulay Hassan et la princesse Lalla Khadija ont été aperçus en train de se promener tranquillement à Paris, en France. Des photos du souverain et de ses enfants sont devenues virales ce mardi, capturant un moment familial intime lors de leur balade dans les rues parisiennes. Selon l'hebdomadaire français Point de Vue, spécialisé dans les actualités royales, les photos datent du 18 novembre.
Borgerhout, a bustling neighborhood in Antwerp, will be honoring the memory of a woman who dedicated her life to the integration of the Moroccan community in Belgium. A plaza in the famous neighborhood will soon bear the name of Viera Sagers, or Milouda, as Moroccan migrants like to call her. This recognition has already been announced by the Antwerp city council following a proposal by the district mayor of Borgerhout, Flemish national broadcaster VRT reported on Monday. The square is on
King Mohammed VI, Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, and Princess Lalla Khadija were spotted enjoying a casual walk in Paris, France. Photos of the Sovereign and his children went viral on Tuesday, capturing an intimate family moment during their stroll through the Parisian streets. According to the French weekly Point de Vue, which specializes in royal news, the photos date back to November 18. Like «any parent eager to please his children», Point de Vue also notes, King Mohammed VI