Al Hoceima witnessed on Monday violent clashes between demonstrators and the police. The number of injured persons is unknown.
King Mohammed VI is disappointed and dissatisfied with the delay impacting «Al Hoceima, Mediterranean lighthouse» project implementation. He, as a result, urged the government and asked the Ministries in charge to intensify their work's pace.
Muslim communities in several capitals across the world have confirmed moon-sighting, celebrating Eid Al-Fitr on the first day of Shawwal. Know when countries around the world will end the fasting and embrace the Eid.
Morocco was ranked 78th among 128 countries by the 2017 Social Progress Index, a multi-indicator index that assesses the social and environmental performance of different countries. The annual survey identifies Morocco as one of the lower middle social progress nations.
Global poverty could be reduced through universal, primary and secondary education, according to UNESCO. On the basis of that fact, the UN has put in place a program to eradicate global poverty by 2030. Meamwhile, the UNESCO's Institute for Statistics published a new set of data showing that this very ambitious objective is hard to be maintained. Details.
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today that the police allegedly «severely beat» the detained Hirak leader Nasser Zefzafi. Relying on an account given by one of the activist’s lawyers, the international organizations call for a medical examination of the detainee to ensure his safety.
Morocco did not hide its frustration over the Israeli senior official Ayoub Kara’s meeting with the Polisario’s leader. Responding to the official complaint issued by Morocco, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the meeting «did not receive official approval».
Morocco’s plan to start liberalizing its currency through a reform package strongly suggested by the International Monetary Fund is about to be launched. Reacting to the strategic step, economic operators anticipating a devaluation, started converting their assets into Euros and Dollars. Responding to that, Abdellatif Jouahri, the Central bank governor said yesterday that «the reform program does not include devaluation».
As opposed to the plans set up by the Arabic language advocates, the French language is gaining more space in public schools. The latest decision taken by the Minister of National Education, Mohamed Hassad to start teaching French beginning from first grade has angered Fouad Abou Ali, president of the National Arabic Language Collective. He denounced the project imposed by the ministry calling it a form of «ancient and new colonization».
Angola has been one of the African countries that supported the Polisario Front, especially with Dos Santos as a president for 38 years. With the departure of the latter, Morocco can finally strengthen its diplomatic ties with the country.