«The number of nomads had fallen by 63% from the previous decade», according to the High Commission for Planning, and the main reason is climate change. The American online media platform USA Today published a reportage on this regard focusing on the village of M'Hamid El Ghizlane (Zagora region) . Gasni Hamadi, as teacher of Arabic and French at a primary school in the village was a nomad. He abandoned his old way of living after spending decades with his family as nomadic. To put
To collaborate with the heads of government of the Sahel countries to fight against terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking and to find a solution to the migration problem. These are the main topics that would were discussed by the Spanish, Moroccan, Portuguese and French representatives at the G4 summit in Seville, El País said. «We will organize a meeting during the last quarter in Marrakech with the G5 countries, composed of Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and
The United Nations Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will be home to the first peer review on consumer protection. As reported by the UN organization, Morocco is the first country to request being part of the project. According to the same source, the peer review, which will provide a set of recommendations for the Kingdom will also allow the country to take advantage of the UNCTAD capacity-building and technical assistance. Speaking to the same source, Fatiah Akharif, Director ad
The Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie and the Spanish Guardia Civil stopped this Tuesday morning 800 sub-Saharan migrants from forcing their way into Ceuta. There are 300 of them who have managed to reach the border barrier of the Spanish enclave without crossing it, reports the Spanish news agency EFE. The attempt took place around five o'clock in the morning in an area of 8.2 kilometers of land border between Ceuta and Morocco, according to sources from the Spanish government delegation reported by
The fire that broke out on Saturday in the Mediouna forest in Tangier continues to devastate several hectares despite the intervention of the High Commission for Water and Forests and Combating Desertification (HCEFLCD). «Operations are still going on this morning. There are very houses that may start the fire again. That is why we need to ensure that it is completely under control,» said Fouad Assali, head of forest protection at the HCEFLCD, who was contacted by Yabiladi on
After postponing the announcement of the currency’s liberalization, Prime Minister Saadeddine El Othmani stated earlier this week that the step needs to be studied further, Reuters reports. On Friday, the Central Bank postponed in a statement the announcement of the liberalization of Morocco’s currency. The date of the step which is a reform package strongly suggested by the International Monetary Fund was supposed to be revealed on Thursday 29th of June. A few days later and
En raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques, le trafic maritime entre les ports de Tanger-Ville et Tarifa est suspendu provisoirement, a indiqué lundi le ministère délégué chargé des Marocains résidant à l'étranger et des Affaires de la migration. Dans un communiqué, le ministère informe les passagers qu’il est possible d’emprunter la ligne maritime Algesiras-Tanger Med, toujours
Le Centre des maladies respiratoires et de la silicose de Jerada, premier en son genre au niveau national, a commencé, lundi, à prodiguer ses prestations médicales et les soins aux patients. Créé sur une superficie d'environ 3 208 m2, avec une capacité d’hébergement de 55 lits, ce centre cible 3 000 patients atteints de silicose dans la province de Jerada et les zones avoisinantes ainsi que ceux issus des autres villes et régions du
Le ministère de la Santé a décidé de réduire les prix de 54 médicaments de traitement de maladies chroniques et de certains types de cancers, pour un taux de réduction atteignant jusqu'à 46%. Cette réduction concerne en particulier les médicaments utilisés dans le traitement de maladies chroniques, comme l'hypertension artérielle, le diabète, des maladies inflammatoires, contagieuses, du système
Au titre de l’année 2017, le groupe Al Omrane prévoit la mise en chantier de 22 000 unités de production nouvelle et l’achèvement de 24 000 unités de production nouvelle, a annoncé, lundi à Rabat, le président du directoire du Groupe, Badre Kanouni, lors d’une conférence de presse consacrée à la présentation du bilan d’activité du Groupe en 2016 et son plan d’action pour